SNP Detail For rs11105956
1.Mapping Information
Human SNP ID rs11105956
Human chromosome chr12
Human SNP position 91053746
Pig chromosome chr5
Pig SNP position 96277589
2.Annotation Information
PubMed ID26305897
JournalPLoS Genet
StudyGenome-Wide Association and Trans-ethnic Meta-Analysis for Advanced Diabetic Kidney Disease: Family Investigation of Nephropathy and Diabetes (FIND).
Disease/TraitDiabetic kidney disease
Initial sampleup to 1,564 African American cases, 369 African American diabetic controls, 1,288 African American non-diabetic controls, 538 American Indian ancestry cases, 319 American Indian ancestry diabetic controls, 342 European ancestry cases, 404 European ancest
Replication sampleNA
Chromosome idchr12
Chromosome position91053746
Reported geneNR
Mapped geneKERA
Upstream gene id
Downstream gene id
SNP gene ids11081
Upstream gene distance
Downstream gene distance
SNP risk allelers11105956-?
SNP id current11105956
Allele frequencyNR
P value0.000006
Pvalue mlog5.22184874961635
P value text(additive)
Or beta1.3513513
%95 Ci[1.18-1.54]
PlatformAffymetrix [NR]
Mapped traitdiabetic nephropathy
Mapped trait URI
Study accessionGCST003099